
Cross Country

Page history last edited by paul bonnell 12 years, 5 months ago


BFHS Cross Country "Stuff" 


Be prepared for all sorts of weather conditions.  Here's a link to the NOAA weather site: http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=Bonners+Ferry&state=ID&site=OTX&textField1=48.6914&textField2=-116.315&e=0


Here's a quotation to think about:


"If one can stick to the training throughout the many long years, then will power is no longer a problem. It's raining? That doesn't matter. I am tired? That's besides the point. It's simply that I just have to." - Emil Zatopek


Just who was Emil Zatopek?  Look him up.  His is a motivational story.



Bored?  Looking for some reading on the web?  Check out this site: It's Running Times Online magazine--Great articles and Links


2012 Meet Schedule

Sorry for all the TBA departures, but we have several meet changes as well as school administration.  We will be figuring these out soon.

Meet information will be available on athletic.net and http://mrbonnellswiki.pbworks.com/w/page/17964520/Cross%20Country

Date                      Meet                                                                                                     Bus Departs

8/23       Thur.     Bonners Ferry Jamboree                                                                  N/A

8/30       Thur.     Priest River Invite                                                                            1:00 P.M.

9/6         Thur.     Kellogg Invite (Pinehurst Golf Course)                                               12:00 Noon

9/8         Sat.        Silverwood Invite                                                                            6:00 A.M.

9/15       Sat.        Coeur d’Alene Invite (Hayden Canyon)                                             7:00 A.M.

Information, Directions, Etc.: http://www.athletic.net/CrossCountry/Results/Meet.aspx?Meet=57811

9/22       Sat.        Plantes Ferry (Spokane)--With Middle School                                   6:00 A.M.

Information: http://www.spokanesports.org/pages/erikanderson.html

9/29       Sat.        Moscow/Bob Weisel Invite                                                              7:00 A.M.

Information: http://www.athletic.net/CrossCountry/Results/Meet.aspx?Meet=57311#2056

10/5       Fri.         Lewiston Invite


10/18     Thur.      Districts—Kellogg                                                                          TBA

10/27     Sat.        State Championships—Lewiston                                                      TBA   



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