

Page history last edited by paul bonnell 15 years, 6 months ago

Welcome to Mr. Bonnell's Wiki.  It's an experiment in sharing ideas, particularly writing ideas.  I'll post some quotes, photos, and writing thoughts.  You can write what you like.  Two requests: keep it respectful and appropriate, and share the site with people who will do the same.  Thanks.


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Observe.  See.  Listen.  Think.  Contemplate.  Reflect.  Consider.  Write.  Be.  Do.  Care.

Here's a quotation from Aldo Leopold (he wrote A Sand County Almanac) that I found in the January 2007 issue of Off Piste Magazine (Off Piste Magazine).  Go to their site and check out the articles and photos.  In their gallery there's a cool section of quotations.


"I am glad I shall never be young without wild country to be young in.  Of what avail are forty freedoms without a blank spot on the map." -Aldo Leopold



What is something you like to do?  Where do you like to go? How have you transformed "space" into "place"?



 Check out the article on parkour at The NewYorker online.  It's an example of l'insoutenable legerete de l'etre.  (The NewYorker)


The Kootenai River Run can be found at The Kootenai River Run


Kootenai River Run Form: KRR_entry_form_-_2009.doc

Comments (1)

952h@... said

at 7:41 pm on May 28, 2008

Hey Bonn this is shark. linked is my wiki page that i made for my final self select. i also put my final essay on it. In my essay i did not make reference to "a raisin in the sun" because i finished it early. im getting this in late because my dad locked us out of our internet and we just recently got it back. Thanks and see you next year


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