Thigmotaxsis Staring Touching on All Sides
Flocking Rhythm Gravity
Moving Through Space Temperature Motion
Balance Horripilation Humidity
Kinesthetics Chronology Synaesthesia
Pain (Thule) Electrical Response Shape
Smell (Trigger) Taste (Trigger) Peripheral Vision
Horizon Pheromones Jacobsen's Organs
Vibration Scintillation Iridescence
Echo Location Atmosphere Sense of Direction
Adrenaline Coriolis Effect Gravitational Attractions
Texture Barometric Pressure Infrared
Ultraviolet Electroception Equilibrioception
Proprioception Epigastric sense Vascular
Gagging Swallowing Excretory
Magnetoception Pressure Detection Polarized Light
Read these essays and articles and watch the video about "seeing" with your tongue and other cross-sensory research:
The Myth of the Five Senses
CBS Video:
Testimonial Video:
Here's a link to a site that will encourage you to read, write, and draw: Susan's Journal Page
Read Diane Ackerman's A Natural History of the Senses

"April Come She Will" by Simon and Garfunkel
Great Stories at This American Life, the most popular podcast in the country!
"The reason for their invisibility is that they wear their jobs like camoflage, blending into the American Dream, the American Myth, which holds that anyone who works hard can prosper. It is such an important myth in defining what we imagine to be our reality that Richard Wright called it 'the truth of the power of the wish'." - Connecting the Dots by David K. Shipler
Remember to claim your edits. Brennan added the above quote from Shipler.
Here's something I just came across about "seeing" beyond your "limits." A friend of mine (also a teacher), Josh, shared a video with me about Nick Vujicic. It's called "Life Without Limbs." What an inspirational story! It really reminds me that we're here for a larger purpose, for a greater reason, to show love and care to others and to encourage them to live, truly live. Check it out. LifeWithoutLimbs.Org
-Bonn (10/12)
So I officially made the final choice on my LIA topic this morning. After experimenting with different ones, I found a topic that I think I might be able to squeeze 1000 words out of. I'm basically starting completely over, but I'm already much more satisfied with the 752 words I have written so far. A happy writer makes a happy reader, right? Well maybe not, but let's just go with that. ~Erin*
The Be Good Tanyas--"Junkie Song"
Artist: Be Good Tanyas Song: Junkie Song Album: Chinatown
Took a walk in my neighborhood
It was two in the mourning
By the skytrain station
The streets were full of junkies and homeless
And they all wanted something
They all wanted something
And what am I supposed to do?
There are too many of you
Too many of you
And sometimes they look you straight in the eye
Saying 'I too am human, you could easily be here
Easily be here'
Although we all hover between apathy and compassion
Fill up all our days with so much distraction
Whatever makes it easier to see what we don't want to
But we all live here
We all live here
We all live here don't we?
Took a walk in my neighbourhood
It was two in the mourning
By the skytrain station
The streets were full of junkies and homeless
And they all wanted something
They all wanted something
And what am I supposed to do?
There are too many of you
Too many of you
All I Need Is Everything
words and music: Detweiler and Bergquist
Good Dog Bad Dog
Slow down. Hold still.
It's not as if it's a matter of will.
Someone's circling. Someone's moving
a little lower than the angels.
And it's got nothing to do with me.
The wind blows through the trees,
but if I look for it, it won't come.
I tense up. My mind goes numb.
There's nothing harder than learning how to receive.
Calm down. Be still.
We've got plenty of time to kill.
No hand writing on the wall:
just the voice that's in us all.
And you're whispering to me,
time to get up off my hands and knees,
'cause if I beg for it, it won't come.
I find nothing but table crumbs.
My hands are empty. God I've been naive.
All I need is everything.
Inside, outside, feel new skin.
All I need is everything.
Feel the slip and the grip of grace again.
Slow down. Hold still.
It's not as if it's a matter of will.
Someone's circling. Someone's moving
a little lower than the angels.
This voice calling me to you:
it's just barely coming through.
Still, I clearly hear my name.
I've been fingering the flame
like tomorrow's martyr.
It gets harder to believe.
All I need is everything.
Inside, outside, feel new skin.
All I need is everything.
Feel the slip and the grip of grace again.
So from now till kingdom come,
taste the words on the tip of my tongue.
'Cause we can't run truth out of town,
only force it underground.
The roots grow deeper
in ways we can't conceive.
All I need is everything.
Inside, outside feel new skin.
All I need is everything.
Feel the slip and the grip of grace again.
All I need is all I need.
Art/Visual Analysis
Lorenzo Ghiberti--Doors to Paradise, Adam and Eve Panel--"Expulsion from the Garden"
Rembrandt--The Woman Taken in Adultery
The "Mad" Scene
Donizetti--Lucia di Lammermoor
Topophilia. Research Paper. Research Articles. Various Musings.
Started with a search for the Ed Buryn quotation about money and time. Ended up with Salmon, the Community School, and Wild Idaho. Redfish. Bluefish.
Ed Buryn: "We say that time is money, meaning both are valuable. Both are a form of power. Usually, there is a reciprocal relationship between them; that is, abundance of money seems to go along with a shortage of time, and abundance of time with shortage of money. Money is the wealth of the materialist, and works miracles in the realm of the physical. Time is the wealth of the pilgrim, and works miracles in all realms."
As far as a research paper topic potential, there's always salmon:
Here's an interesting story on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:
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