

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

The Canterbury Tales





How do The Canterbury Tales fit into modern life?


BBC news article about rap and The Canterbury Tales


Who would be the modern cast?  Modernize the General Prologue (See The Canterbury Tales Project)


ELF site


U of Alaska site


Here's the Wikipedia site: wikipedia site


Audio Clip of the first 18 lines in Middle English:



Some decidely "cool" images of The Canterbury Tales:




The Canterbury tales : the new Ellesmere Chaucer facsimile (of Huntington Library MS EL 26 C9) Tokyo: Yushodo Co.,; San Marion, Calif. : Huntington Library Press, 1995.

PR 1866 .W76 1995 Special Collections Vault



Ellesmere Manuscript Link 



The Canterbury Tales Project (to be completed in pairs)


Literary component:


1.  Choose one of the pilgrims from The Tales.  Compose some sort of digital representation of the character.


2.  List the pilgrim's traits.


3.  To what estate does this character belong?


4.  Write a paragraph on whether Chaucer presents your pilgrim favorably or not and why/why not.  Write a favorite line about your character.


Modernization component:


Imagine our classes (fourth and seventh) are embarking on a pilgrimage.


1.  To where are we making our pilgrimage?  Why?


2.  What sundry characters might we run into on the way?  (Remember that the characters are not specific individuals, but are character types or stereotypes.)


3.  What pilgrims (you should come up with at least ten) might join our merry band?  Satirize or honor these folks with your descriptions of them.  (For extra credit, write in verse.)


4.  Compose a digital visual representation of the characters who join us on our pilgrimage (this could Powerpoint or otherwise).


5.  What "Estates" exist in our world?  To what "Estates" do your characters belong?


6.  Write a short tale for one of your modern characters.  What sort of story might he or she tell?  Does it hold a moral for us, the readers?  If so, what might it be?


*Note on permissions: if you take photographs of people, you should have them sign a permission sheet that allows you to use their photographed image for a school project.



So, I had an invigorating time at the poetry symposium.   Thanks for helping me resurrect it after these seven years.

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