The Book of Lists
Here's a place for you to list books, films, songs, writers, vocabulary words, etc.
How's it going? Keeping everything copacetic?
As of matter o fact Bonnizz, we are keepin it copacetic! Keeping it real in accounting you know. Well I have decided to keep a weekly update of some stella music that i have listened to. This week, as my first week of doing this I have decided to write about the rock band __Seven Cycles__. They are an upcoming rock band that i believe have what it takes to make it in the music business. They are somewhat local coming out of Spokane, Washington. The band is now on tour with Atreyu, Haste The Day, and It Dies Today. This is an unbelievable concert that will rock your life. Well that is my first weekly update, i hope you liked it!
Dayne, Thanks for the contribution to the Wiki! By the way, I'm adding the music video that you guys did of East of Eden to my list of "cool" book projects. You see how someone can read something, get inspired, create something else, inspire someone else, etc., etc. The process continues. Like Emerson said, "To create, to create, is proof of a divine presence."
-Bonn (10/12)
Here's a favorite photograph of mine, currently on sale from the New York Times as a poster or print. It says so much.

Here's another one:
It's Galen Rowell's photograph of Leif Norman Patterson celebrating the return to vegetation at Urdukas after three months of rock and ice on their K2 attempt.
Galen Rowell, mago de la luz
Celebrando el regreso a la vegetaciĆ³n en Urdukas, Karqkorum (Himalaya). Al final de una estancia de tres meses en el K2 Leif Patterson celebra el regreso al verde. Foto: Libro Luces de MontaƱa, de Galen Rowell (Ediciones Desnivel) |
Watch this video about the power of courage. "Tank Man" by Anthony Thomas.
Link to an interesting article about reading:
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